Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Get Your Favorite Restaurant Recipes

Our Mission: Empowering the budget-constrained home cook to bring a little extra joy into their kitchen.

"Discover The Secret Recipes From The World's Finest Restaurants And Cook Like a 5-Star Chef for a Fraction of the Cost!"

5-Star Restaurant Recipes You Can Make at Home.

This book contains the most delicious and mouth watering recipes from the top 5-star rated restaurants in NY, London, Paris, Venice, Hong Kong, Las Vegas, Australia, etc.

Stop waiting for reservations at restaurants only to pay top dollar for dishes you can easily make in your own kitchen!

Re-create these amazing restaurant dishes at home for a fraction of the cost by following these easy step-by-step instructions.

Make ANYONE, your friends or family, go all wild and ga-ga over your food at the next bash, party or gathering.

Uncover the secret cooking techniques used by world class chefs from famous 5-Star restaurants and instantly become a better cook.